In September 2018 I was determined to lose some weight and get into better shape. I searched YouTube for a workout video that felt like a REAL workout.

I found Sydney Cummings, but this wasn’t the kind of video I expected. This particular video was of Sydney in a hospital bed. I was intrigued, so I watched her video.

Sydney had been shot and was explaining why she would not be recording new workout videos for a while. She was so open and real in this video that I had to check out her workouts.

I went back and found a workout video from the previous week that Sydney had uploaded. This workout was tough. Just the kind I was looking for.

Her message at the end of the workout was even better. I remember thinking, “Wow! She knows what I need to hear.”

From that point on I started doing Sydney’s workouts every day. She had so many different workouts uploaded. Although a little sore, I felt great after doing these workouts every day, and her messages always seem to hit home.

Join A Supportive Community

In March 2019, I finally joined the “Sydney Squad”. The Sydney Squad is a monthly subscription in which you receive education on nutrition, are taught the proper way to do the exercises, become part of a community that is very supportive, helpful, loving, and motivating, and so much more.

As I mentioned earlier, I started doing these workouts every day, but I wasn’t seeing the results I wanted to, until I joined the squad.

That is when I started to see results. After reading all of the information available to members, I started to track my food using My Fitness Pal. This made a BIG difference.

Screenshot of My Fitness Pal app
My Fitness Pal App screenshot

I learned that I was undereating. Something most of us do when trying to lose weight. Once I started tracking my food intake, I was eating 1200 calories a day.

I started to lose some weight. It was slow, but it was dropping.

It’s important to take photos when you start a weight loss journey

I didn’t take any pictures of myself right away. I wish I had, because I would love so see the changes I’ve made to my body from that point.

This is the very first photo I did take. It was May 18, 2019. I had been tracking my food and doing the workouts consistently. I lost a little bit of weight, but I don’t know how much at this point because I did not keep any records.

Renee' posing in a photo of herself for the beginning of her weight loss.
First photo

As I look at this photo, I’m thinking; I don’t look so heavy. But when I started this journey, I know I weighed 150 pounds. The clothes, which are a size large, really hide a lot.

It is so important to take photo’s when you first start a weight loss journey. Most people are self conscious about their bodies, as I was, but having these photos to look back on is eye opening. You will be amazed at the changes in your body even after just one month of dedication to the journey.

These days I take a photo at the beginning of every month and sometimes in between.

Keeping Track

In December 2019, I really started keeping track of my weight loss numbers.

As of June 29, 2020, I have lost 15 pounds, 16.5 overall inches, lowered my body fat percentage by 1.7%, and toned my muscles by .70%.

Weight loss chart
Side by side picture of Renee' showing the weight loss and more toned body
Side by side comparison

Starting in a caloric deficit

Common sense tells us, if you want to lose weight, eat less, right? Well I can tell you there is such a thing as undereating. This is the first thing I realized I was doing while trying to lose weight.

Our bodies need fuel. That fuel comes form food. The right kinds of food.

I don’t follow any special “diet”. In fact I can eat whatever I want. But these days, I eat the right kinds of foods.

You’re probably wondering, “How are you not tempted by “junk food” or “sweets”?” To be honest with you, I do crave sweet and salty foods now and then. If I want those kinds of foods, I plan my meals around them.

When tracking food, it is important to pay attention to the macronutrients that are in the foods we eat.

What are macronutrients? Macronutrients are the protein, fats, and carbohydrates in the foods we eat.

So those sweet cravings we all have, will take up more of your carbs and fats for the day, so you adjust your meals and make sure you get the protein your body needs.

Learning about all of this can be discouraging, but believe me when I say it’s all worth it when you see how much different your body looks and feels.

June 1, 2020 photo of Renee' after losing thirty pounds
Current photo after losing 30 pounds

When you keep track of macronutrients, you will see a change in your eating habits as well.

For me, fried food like French fries and onion rings do not sit well in my stomach. Sweets were never a big craving of mine, but I must say, these days for some reason, I enjoy them more. So once in a while I will indulge and treat myself to a brownie or ice cream.

The next day when I step on the scale, it will show. But, I don’t let that discourage me. I know I will work off that 1 or 2 pounds with exercise and getting back on track with my nutrition.

As I push forward on this journey, I hope to encourage others to take the first step into their fitness and health journey. Whether it be to tone the body or to lose unwanted weight, it IS possible.

With hard work and dedication you too can be in the best shape and be the healthiest and best version of you possible.

3 Replies to “The Beginning of My True Fitness Journey”

  1. Loved reading both of your new posts! It’s so important to look back and appreciate all of the progress made, information learned, and milestones achieved throughout the journey 😊 Glad you shared Sydney’s channel with me – I’m loving her workouts while I’m at home!

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